Sunday, December 7, 2008


In July of 2008 I made up my mind that I was going to run a 100 mile race. I believe in myself, and I only compete against myself so to me its just a personal challenge.I thought about doing the Across the Years race in December 2008. It would have given me 5 months of training, but I recognized my conditioning was not the same as it was earlier this year. I had taken a short break from running which ended up becoming a 7 month break.

Sticking to my Kaizen methods of training I decided to work my way up to a 100 mile race by first getting through a half marathon, followed by a marathon, a 50 miler, and finishing up with a 100 mile race.

Well today part 1 was completed as I ran my 10th half marathon in a time of 1:50:33, felt great after the race. I did get a little sore in the upper back, quadriceps from all the downhill running, I can see the lack of weight training may have made me sore in those areas. What really bothered me is the 3 quarter sized blisters on my left foot, I have never had such big blisters before.

The Plan:

Half Marathon: Tucson Half, December 7 2008

Marathon: Rock N Roll AZ, January 18 2009

50 Miler: Old Pueblo 50, March 7 2009

100 Miler: Javelina Jundred, October 31 2009

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