Monday, March 12, 2007

When I run I usually observe others and wonder what got them to this point?  How did they get started? What motivated them to finish? I don't know if others do the same, when they see me running with the flourescent green Moja 2 logo on my chest.

As for me, the event that got me into running occurred on May 25, 2002. It occurred on my way from Yuma, Arizona to Tucson, Arizona.  The exact location was between mile marker 143 & 144 near Vekol Road on I-8.  That's when my front tire blew out on me, took me off the road, and I rolled over 2.5 times.  At the time I was driving a 1976 GMC Jimmy with a 4-inch lift, No Airbags, I had my weights in the back of my seat, (about 300lbs, 4-50lb plates) And some how I managed to survive and walk out on my own with only minor injuries.  I was wearing my seatbelt like I always do. 

 It was the front driver side tire that blew out on me, when driving at 70-mph. Because of the lift of the vehicle and the weight, it made it harder to control; it just pulled me off the road. 


There was no way of me getting out through the driver side.


All the glass broke with the exception of the passenger window, so I had to crawl out through the back between the bush and the spare tire.


When I got out I thought the rear tire caused me to roll over, The rear wheel coming off occurred during the roll over, some how the rear axel broke, that's about 5-6 inches in diameter of solid steel.  It was one rough ride. 


Can you see my lucky red hat?  I still have it, I've thought about selling it on ebay, but I just cant let go of it. 


 With all this I still remember having to wait over an hour for the ambulance to arrive.  It took that long because no ones phone worked in that area.  The Fuckin' Verison guy had not been to the Arizona Desert in 2002.


I was flown to Phoenix, because of the vehicle's damage; they considered it a level 1-trauma accident.  The Trauma was full since it was Memorial Day weekend, so they rolled me into the emergency room.  They placed me under a television and this is what I was able to see. 


 I told the nurses, to please change the channel; the last thing I want to see is another accident.  I am thankful I had people pull over and help me; they provided me with company, ice, and water, it is important to stay hydrated during the summer heat, that's why I will encourage you guys to make a donation to Humane Borders, providing water is the least one can do. 


You can visit my website to get Humane Borders address, I also donate 5% of all sales to Humane Borders. 


 It wasn't until almost a year later that I got a flyer for Team In Training (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) and decided I was going to run a marathon.  When I made my decision to run a marathon, I had no idea that a marathon was 26.2 miles.  But training began in Early September and on January 11, 2004, I completed the Inaugural P.F. Chang's Rock N Roll marathon. 

(I have to pay to get access to the picture sorry I can't share).

Now I haven't told many about this, but on April 28 2007,  I will be attempting my first Ultra marathon, the Zane Grey Highline 50 mile trail race (The toughest 50 miler).  That's my next challenge; I want to see how far I am capable of pushing my body.