Sunday, March 9, 2008

As I See It.....

Haven't blogged in a while, so just thought I should share this. It is part of an article I read back in 2000, written by Bill Phillips. 

Read and share your top 5 that you liked or the ones that mean something to you.  Its hard to choose 5, but mine are 's 16, 30, 61, 78, & 79.

1)                  As I see it… its not how much you can get out of life that matters; its how much you put into it that counts.

2)                  As I see it… the last thing you want to do is very often the first thing you need to do.

3)                  As I see it…when people give up control of their bodies, it's the beginning of a painful process of moral, mental, and spiritual decay.

4)                  As I see it… when I binge on Honey Nut Cheerios and ice cream at night, I get to wear them on my belly the next day.

5)                  As I see it… without occasional pain, we're not able to recognize and appreciate pleasure.

6)                  As I see it… regardless of your relationship with family members, you miss them so, so much after they die.

7)                  As I see it… the "comfort zone" is quite likely the most uncomfortable place you can be.

8)                  As I see it… when you're unhappy with the way you look and feel, it doesn't matter where you go nor what you do, you'll be unhappy.

9)                  As I see it… the first and most important step to tapping into the power we all have to improve our bodies and lives begins by making a conscious decision to change.

10)              As I see it… the best way to succeed in business is to create so much value for your clients and customers and go so far above and beyond what they expect, while not requiring anything in return.

11)              As I see it… this is universally true: basics really are best.

12)              As I see it… most people stop living before the age of 30… then slowly die for the next 40 to 50 years; however, by merely making the decision to make a change—by embracing challenges and new ideas –we can all live, love, and learn right up until the last moment of our last day.

13)              As I see it… when you decide to celebrate rather than negate the fact that we are all unique, immediately you will have at least 50% less things to complain about .

14)              As I see it…the way you look on the outside is a reflection on the way you feel on the inside.

15)              As I see it… food is the most widely abused "anti-anxiety drug" in America, and exercise is the most potent yet underutilized "antidepressant".

16)              As I see it… nothing is more painful than knowing someone you care about is in pain.

17)              As I see it… shared success is twice as nice; shared setbacks hurt only half as much.

18)              As I see it… nine out of ten of the greatest accomplishments of mankind were done on deadline

19)              As I see it… much more challenging than "doing the right thing: is deciding the right thing to do.

20)              As I see it… the first law of living is giving… unselfishly, abundantly, and with no strings attached.

21)              As I see it… the most painful moment in a human being's life is that fraction of a second when they let go of that last thread of faith in their dreams

22)              As I see it… the person we need to stand up to more than anyone else is ourselves.

23)              As I see it… the hardest part of learning something new is unlearning the way we know it now.

24)              As I see it… we're all accountable for everything in our lives. If we're overweight, we're accountable. If we're unhappy, we're accountable.  If we're happy, healthy, strong, and surrounded by love, we're accountable.

25)              As I see it… trying new things, taking a chance, accepting challenges, and keeping an open mind are what separates those who thrive from those who just survive.

26)              As I see it… if you do nothing, you get nothing –it's that simple.

27)              As I see it… most people die with regrets –they "wish" they would have followed their hearts' dreams and desires when they had the chance.

28)              As I see it… emotional pain is a sign that something's not working and that a change is needed; identify the source of the pain, and you'll know where action needs to be taken.

29)              As I see it… the only way to truly "fail" is to stop trying.

30)              As I see it… when we take care of ourselves, we are creating value for others, as we will have more energy and strength to give.

31)              As I see it… parents are only as happy as their saddest child, and children are only as happy as their saddest parent.

32)              As I see it… the reason most people don't "just do it" is because they need someone to show them how.

33)              As I see it… we are most alive when we are laughing.

34)              As I see it… energy is everything, and everything is energy.

35)              As I see it… no matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change, and no one can take that away.

36)              As I see it… there is a world of difference between knowing what to do an actually doing it.

37)              As I see it… when you cultivate your ability to create higher and higher high points in every aspect of your life, you will discover a source of pure energy that keeps you excited and feeling alive.

38)              As I see it… every successful transformation takes place from the inside out.

39)              As I see it… life, the ultimate challenge, is not a race to the finish, but rather a process of continual growth.

40)              As I see it… the more we reach out and give to others, the stronger and richer, in every sense of those two words, our own lives become.

41)              As I see it… at least half of our time and energy is being squandered by focusing on things that just don't matter, and the other half is creating virtually all the positive and rewarding experiences in our lives.  The challenge is to determine which half is working and which half isn't.

42)              As I see it… most people do realize that without a healthy, energetic body, nothing else matters.  Unfortunately, they often don't make that realization until it's too late. 

43)              As I see it… when you find something you absolutely love doing –something you could do all day and have more energy when you finished than when you started…you will have discovered what you were created to do.

44)              As I see it… the ability to achieve a successful transformation in any and every area of your life relies on your ability to take what others see as barricades and turn them into bridges. 

45)              As I see it… the most courageous people change before they have to.

46)              As I see it… if you are not clear about the lessons learned from your past and if you do not have a vision for your future, you will never be able to fully appreciate the present.

47)              As I see it… the "end" of everything is the beginning of something.

48)              As I see it… you can't give what you do not have, be it clarity, confidence, compassion, knowledge, hope, or love.

49)              As I see it… our two most precious, limited resources are our time and energy –how we choose to invest them is the most important decision any of us will ever make.

50)              As I see it… one of the most important "secrets to success" in every aspect of life is "selecting" the right Mom.

51)              As I see it… the things in life that become the most frustrating when we're doing them are the things that we were not created to do in the first place.

52)              As I see it… when you cultivate a healthy, strong, balanced body, you discover the bright, patient, energetic, peaceful, powerful, caring, quality person that, deep down inside, has always been there.

53)              As I see it… when we begin to make progress in one area of our lives, other areas begin improving automatically.

54)              As I see it… there's no such thing as an easy challenge.

55)              As I see it… we learn the most from those around us who are learning the most.

56)              As I see it… for every dollar you take, without giving something of greater value in return, you're one step closer to emotional bankruptcy.

57)              As I see it… if you worry about something trivial too much, you'll eventually have something real to worry about.

58)              As I see it… no matter how much fat you lose and muscle you gain during your 12-week Transformation Program, the most noticeable change for the better is always evident in your smile.

59)              As I see it… if you ask the right question, you'll always get the right answer.

60)              As I see it… the meaning of life is to live a meaningful life.

61)              As I see it… the only true source of inspiration is to be an inspiration.

62)              As I see it… the habit of consciously changing your habits is the one habit you should never break.

63)              As I see it… adversity is the most abundant source of potential positive energy in the universe.

64)              As I see it… depression is a symptom of dying for which living is the cure.

65)              As I see it… the methods used by many to acquire money simply cost too much.

66)              As I see it… we would all be better off if our doctors took us aside, sat down next to us, and gave us this compassionate, yet universally true, warning, "I'm very sorry to have to remind you of this, but you've got only so much time to live…I suggest you begin, now, to make the most of every minute of every day…"

67)              As I see it… we all look and feel about as good as we decide to.

68)              As I see it… one of life's greatest challenges is to avoid the discomfort of the "comfort zone".

69)              As I see it… if, when you reach your "final deadline" on this earth and you want to be able to look back and peacefully express, "I have lived a purposeful life," then you're going to have to spend some time, each and every day, exploring the purpose of your life.

70)              As I see it… life's challenges were never meant to be conquered alone –they are intended to bring people together.

71)              As I see it… more "free people" endure the pain of solitary confinement and isolation, voluntarily, than those sentenced to life in prison.

72)              As I see it… success is one of the milestones you pass on the way to significance.

73)              As I see it… the antidote for inaction is action

74)              As I see it… you are either moving forward or moving back –either living or dying.  Nothing in the universe stands still.

75)              As I see it… the most important exercise we will ever do is reaching down and lifting someone else up.

76)              As I see it… people see the world as a reflection of themselves.

77)              As I see it… forgiveness is a priceless gift,  which you can give for free.

78)              As I see it… people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you truly care.

79)              As I see it… one of the best things we can do to help ease a friend or loved one's frustration is to ask questions, then listen…really listen.

80)              As I see it… if you wait until everything in your life is "perfect" before you begin something challenging and new, you'll be waiting forever. The best time is NOW.

81)              As I see it… if you want to change your life, you have to start by changing something about your life.

82)              As I see it… most people want to "be somebody," but they don't know who.

83)              As I see it… the most difficult word to say to someone you care about is "goodbye."

84)              As I see it… if in 35 years, I see everything the same way I see things today, I'll have wasted 35 years of my life.