Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week 20 Rock N Roll Training

Sunday August 31 - No running

Tuesday September 2 - 3 mile run at Reid Park, meet in front of High Corbett field at 7pm

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'”
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

September 2003 - January 2008

In the year 2007, the average American spent 1,555 hours watching television. In days its 64.8, now thats a lot of t.v. watching.

As for me I don't own a television, and I am always asked how I have time to run as much as I do. My answer is no T.V.

I started running in September 2003, In a span of 4 years and 4 months I ran:

7 - 5k races (mostly race for the cure, 3.1 miles)
3 - 10k races (6.2 miles)
9 - 13.1 miles (Half Marathons)
3 - 26.2 miles (Marathon)
2 - 50 mile races (one DNF at mile 33, other finished in 11 hours)
1 - 187 mile relay (Ten person team, ran 20-25 miles)

Its hard to pinpoint exactly how many miles I ran altogether including training for each race. The best I can calculate is somewhere in the range of 2,800 - 3,600 miles.

I usually average a pace of 10 minute miles in races, and I usually train at around a 12 min mile pace. so we are looking at a total range of about 22 - 30 days of running. Something tells me I have ran more...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Italian as a fourth language

I watched a short documentary titled "The Boy With The Incredible Brain"

This is the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world?s few savants. He can do calculations to 100 decimal places in his head, and learn a language in a week.

I figured if this guy can learn a new language in a week, I can learn one in four months as I train for a marathon. Why not use your time wisely and learn another language. You see it all the time people running with their Ipods and you never know what they are listening to. Thats why I have decided to learn Italian.

WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY (its less than an hour, and well worth watching)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Possible 2009 Races

For Sure

6th Annual PF Changs Rock N Roll, Phoenix, Az
January 18, 2009
(Im the youngest male runner to run since the inaugural year)


Old Pueblo 50 mile endurance run, Tucson, Az
March 7, 2009

Inaugural Rock N Roll Marathon, Seattle, Wa
June 27, 2009

Javelina Jundred, 100 mile trail run, Fountain Hills, Az
October or November 2009

Across the Years, 72/48/24 hour footrace, Buckeye, Az
December 29, 2009