Friday, July 20, 2007

34 years ago this day....

Bruce Lee passed away in Hong Kong at the age of 32 (July 20, 1973). He is buried in lot 276 at Lakeview cementary in Seattle Washington, I have been to his gravesite everytime I have been in Seattle. His workouts have always seemed to amaze me, you can find them in the book "Bruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body" by John Little.

Bruce's devotion to fitness gave him a body that was admired by many of the top names in bodybuilding community. Joe Weider, the founder of Mr. Olympia, described Bruce's physique as "the most defined body I've ever seen!" Many top body building competitors have indicated Bruce as a major influence on their bodybuilding careers including Flex Wheeler, Shawn Ray, Rachel McClish, Lou Ferrigno, Lee Haney, Lenda Murray and 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates

Lee was known to have collected over 140 books in his lifetime on bodybuilding, weight training, physiology and kinesiology. In order to better train specific muscle groups, he also created several original designs of his own training equipment and had his friend George Lee build them to his specifications

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