Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Saul's Ab Workout

If I were asked what my weakness is, I would answer my abs. Like most people, I rarely work my abs out. Here I put together a simple workout, with the intention of being able to do this everyday. It takes about 15 minutes to do, it consist of 5 ab exercises, and you only do 2 sets of 10 repetitions per exercise, with a 30 sec recovery between sets. Dont rush it, do the movement along with your breathing. For example on a basic crunch, as you roll up you want to inhale and tighten your abs, as you roll back down you exhale sucking your stomach in. There is two different workouts, one that can be done at home and the other at the gym using equipment.


Oblique Exercises (Sides - Love Handles):
Bicycle Crunch, alternate legs, keeping feet off ground

Oblique crunches, 2 sets on each leg, ankle over knee

Middle & Upper Abdominal Exercises:
Basic Crunch

Lower Abdominal Exercises:
Reverse Crunch, I extend legs out keeping them 2-3 inches off of ground

Medicine ball raises

The Gym Workout is the same with the exception of doing the basic crunch on an exercise ball, instead of the floor, and replacing the Medicine ball raises with Hanging leg raises, try not to swing your legs and bring knees close to chest.

You always end your workout with the Plank, try doing 2 minutes or 2 sets 1 min each with 30 sec recovery in between.


Unknown said...

hdtecjtfkuioyxcg dfe('z'zw jdte'(svhxfqv r(eurdr -retf

Anonymous said...

Good words.