Oblique Exercises (Sides - Love Handles):
Bicycle Crunch, alternate legs, keeping feet off ground

Oblique crunches, 2 sets on each leg, ankle over knee

Middle & Upper Abdominal Exercises:
Basic Crunch

Lower Abdominal Exercises:
Reverse Crunch, I extend legs out keeping them 2-3 inches off of ground

Medicine ball raises

The Gym Workout is the same with the exception of doing the basic crunch on an exercise ball, instead of the floor, and replacing the Medicine ball raises with Hanging leg raises, try not to swing your legs and bring knees close to chest.

You always end your workout with the Plank, try doing 2 minutes or 2 sets 1 min each with 30 sec recovery in between.

hdtecjtfkuioyxcg dfe('z'zw jdte'(svhxfqv r(eurdr -retf
Good words.
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