I've got a running group running every Sunday morning, all levels are welcomed, whether you want to train for a 5k or a 50 miler. If you are interested in running drop me an email at training@moja2run.com. Today was my first long run, and here in Tucson, Az the weather is in the 110's so in order to run it has to be really early or really late. I was out running at 5:15 am, the temperature was about 75 degrees, at 6:00 am a few runners began to arrive, so we ran 3 miles, everyone did great. It makes a huge difference when you run with someone, even if they are ahead or behind you, they help you get through it. After the 3 mile group run was complete, I continued running, I covered about 8 miles today. As I got home I went straight to the refriderator for my favorite recovery drink, chocolate milk.
A good rule for recovery after a hard workout is to divide your weight in pounds by 2, and that is how many carbs you should take within 2-3 hours after your workout to refuel your muscles. Why I like chocolate milk? I need 77 grams of carbs and 2 cups of 1% chocolate milk contains 52 grams of carbs, 16 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fat. Its low in fat, you really don't need much protein, and the carbs are stored in the muscles or liver as glycogen, plus it does a body good. Its important for me to be able to recover quickly because I got a spinning class to teach on Mondays.
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